Typing Apps For Kids: Compete In Typing At Digital Age

In the digital age, we live in now, being able to type is an essential skill for everyone, even kids. As kids use computers, tablets, and iPhones more and more for learning and fun, being able to type quickly becomes more important. Typing apps made just for kids can help them improve their typing skills while making sure they have a fun and exciting time learning.

How Important It Is for Kids to Know How to Type

In the 21st century, kids need to know how to type because it helps them connect, learn, and work more quickly and effectively. Learning in class can also improve their writing, vocabulary, focus, and computer literacy. Here are some of the reasons why kids need to know how to type:

Being able to type helps you ignore lousy handwriting

When kids can type, they don’t have to worry about how bad their handwriting is, which helps them pay attention to the work. Writing is hard for many kids, hurting their self-esteem and drive. Typing can help them overcome this problem and make sharing their thoughts and ideas more accessible and creative.

Helps me improve my reading level and speed

The more they can type, the more they can read and write, and the faster they can do their work and write. Typing helps kids learn to spot and spell things correctly, which allows them to improve their reading and writing skills. Typing can also help them finish their homework and projects faster since they can type more words per minute than they can write by hand.

Helps with spelling and word knowledge

Learning to type helps with writing, remembering words, and learning new ones. Typing can help kids improve their writing because the computer tells them immediately if they made a mistake, and they can fix it. Typing can also help them learn new words and what they mean as they come across them. They can practice typing in different alphabets and scripts, which can help them learn new languages.

Helps kids save time on their homework

Learning to type saves kids time on homework and frees them from having to erase and fix their work. Kids can order faster and more correctly than they can write by hand, saving them time and energy on their tasks. Typing also makes it easier to change and redo their work because they can delete, add, copy, paste, and style their text without leaving any lines.

Typing skills will help kids for the rest of their lives

With their schooling, ability to communicate, job skills, and ability to get around in a modern world. Typing is an essential skill that kids will need for school, work, and their personal lives in the future. Thus, Typing can help them talk to others through email, social media, blogs, and other online channels. Typing can also help them learn other digital skills, like code, graphic design, web building, and more.

As you can see, kids who know how to type are better off in many ways. That’s why they should learn to order as soon as possible. There are a lot of fun typing apps for kids that can help them learn and practice computer skills. Some of the best apps for kids to learn how to type are:

Typing for Kids:

This is an engaging typing game for kids that uses bright movies and lessons to teach them the alphabet, sight words, word groups, and simple lines. Kids can also learn how to press each key on a computer correctly.

The 25+ Best Typing Apps for Students:

This is a list of typing apps for elementary, middle, and high school students. It has apps made by physical therapists and teachers, as well as apps based on old games like Pac-Man and Space Invaders. Some apps are free, but you must pay for or sign up for others.

26 Best Typing Apps for Kids4:

This is another list of typing apps for kids that covers things like accuracy, speed, ease, and fun. It also has apps that can be used on computers, tablets, and smartphones, among other things.

How to pick the correct type of app for your child

Finding the right coding app for kids is challenging because there are many things to consider, like their age, level, interests, and learning style. Here are some tips to help you find the best app for your child to learn to type:

Find a tool that’s right for the child’s age and amount of skill

Some apps are made for people just starting, while others are more complicated. Some apps also have different levels of difficulty that change based on how well the child is doing. You can review the app’s description, reviews, and scores to determine if it’s right for your kid.

Look for a fun and exciting app

Typing can be tedious and time-consuming, so finding your child an app that will encourage and amuse them is essential. Some apps can make working more fun by having games, prizes, themes, characters, stories, etc. You can also look for an app that fits your child’s hobbies, such as animals, sports, adventures, etc.

Look for an app that will teach you something and work well

Typing isn’t just about speed; it’s also about correctness, ease, and how well it fits your body. Look for an app that teaches your child to hold their fingers, stand, and type. It would help if you also looked for an app to help your child improve their typing skills by giving them comments, reports, and tips.

Look for an app that works with your gadget and doesn’t cost too much

Some apps are available for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and other devices. Before you download or buy an app, you should ensure it works with your device and meets its standards. It would be best to compare the prices and benefits of different apps to see which gives you the most for your money.

I used my search_web tool to find some of the best typing apps for kids on the web to help you with your search. The results are shown below:

Use an app to learn to type – CodeWizardsHQ: 

This is another list of typing apps for kids. It includes apps that help with accuracy, speed, ease, and having fun while typing. It also has apps that can be used on computers, tablets, and smartphones, among other things.

WeAreTeachers: The Best Typing Apps for Students: 

This is a list of typing apps for elementary, middle, and high school kids. It has apps based on famous games like Nitro Type and TypeRacer and apps linked with Common Core principles and education.

What kids can get out of typing apps?

Using typing apps can help kids learn and grow in many ways. Typing apps can help kids get better at computer use, which is essential for school, conversation, and a future job. Typing apps can also make typing more fun and exciting, encouraging kids to learn and practice more. Here are some of the reasons why kids should use typing apps:

Typing apps can help kids learn how to hold their fingers, sit, and type correctly

This can keep them from getting into bad habits and lower their chances of getting hurt, like carpal tunnel syndrome or straining their eyes.

Typing tools can help kids get faster, more accurate, and better at typing

This can make them feel better about themselves and help them get more done since they can type faster and more correctly than they can write by hand.

Kids can improve their writing, language, grammar, and punctuation with the help of typing tools

This can help them learn to read and write better, spell things correctly, use correct spelling and phrasing, and increase their knowledge.

Typing apps can help kids improve their reading and writing skills by assisting them to understand and share their thoughts and ideas more quickly and artistically. This can also help them improve their critical thinking and handling of problems because it teaches them how to organize and arrange their writing, use proof and reasons, and edit and rewrite their work.

Typing apps can help kids find their interests and hobbies by letting them type about things they are interested in or passionate about. As they learn new words and information while typing, they can also learn about new topics and points of view.

Typing apps can help kids have fun while learning because they can play games, win prizes, change themes, talk to characters, follow stories, and more. Typing can also help them make friends and work with others because they can chat, share, write, and fight with other users.

Using typing apps for kids in a safe and sensible way

Typing apps for kids is a great way to help them learn and practice computer skills, essential for their schooling, communication, and future careers. Typing apps for kids, like any other online activity, does come with some risks and responsibilities that parents and teachers should know about and deal with. Here are some tips to help kids use typing apps safely and responsibly:

Choose an app that fits your child’s age, typing skills, and interests

There are different coding apps for kids of different ages and skill levels. Some of the best apps for kids to learn how to type are:

TypingClub is an engaging typing game for kids that uses bright movies and lessons to teach them the alphabet, sight words, word groups, and simple lines. Kids can also learn how to press each key on a computer correctly.

Keep an eye on your child’s time online and in front of a screen

Typing apps for kids can be entertaining and fun, but they can also be distracting and hard to stop using. You should limit your child’s time in front of a screen each day based on their age and needs. It would be best to keep an eye on what your child does online to ensure they are using the typing app safely and smartly. You can use parental settings or other tools to stop or screen any ads or material on the typing app or website that might be improper.

Tell your child to stop and rest their eyes and hands

Typing can be hard on your child’s eyes and hands, mainly if they use a small computer or a touchscreen device. It would be best to tell your child to take a break every 15 to 20 minutes to rest their eyes and hands. It would be best to teach your child to blink often, change the brightness and contrast of their screen, sit up straight, use the proper technique, and stretch their fingers and arms.

Help your child learn and stay motivated

Some kids find typing hard and annoying, especially if they have trouble learning or a disability that makes it hard to order. You can help your child learn and stay motivated by praising their efforts and successes, giving them feedback and direction, setting goals and prizes, and making typing fun and rewarding.

How to type with the proper stance and method

Teaching your child the right way to sit and move while typing is a great way to help them improve their computer skills, which are essential for school, communication, and their future job. When they have the proper stance and skill, they are less likely to get bad habits or injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome or eye strain. Here are some tips to help you teach your child the right way to sit and type:

Tell your child why typing with the correct stance and skill is essential

You can tell them that good balance and skill can help them type faster, more correctly, and more efficiently. You can also show them pictures of excellent and lousy typing positions and techniques and explain the differences and what happens when people don’t do it right.

Please help your child set up their space so they can type

You can change the height, size, and style of your chair, computer, monitor, and lights. You can also help their balance and relaxation by giving them a wrist pad, a chair, or a pillow.

Show your child how to sit in the first row

This is where each finger has its spot on the keyboard. For the letter keys, the home row keys are ASDF and JKL. Your child can find the F and J keys without looking because they have a raised line on them. You can also mark the home row keys and other keys on the keyboard with stickers or labels.

Teach your child how to type the basics

Here are some rules that will help your child type faster and more accurately:

  • Keep your neck and back straight and your feet flat.
  • Keep your elbows bent at a 90- to 110-degree angle.
  • Don’t rest your hands on the desk. Keep them straight.
  • Put the keyboard below the height of your arm and slightly away from you.
  • Move your monitor so that the top of the screen is level with your eyes

Only press keys with the fingers that are meant for them

  • After you type a key, go back to the home row.
  • The SHIFT key is always pressed with the pinky finger that is not on the other key.
  • Press the Space bar with your thumb. You can do this with either hand.

Practice often with your child

You can help your child learn and practice typing by giving them typing apps, games, tests, or lessons. Some of the best apps for kids to learn how to order are:
Tell your child what you think and give them praise.
You can praise your child’s efforts and accomplishments, give them advice and critical feedback, set goals and prizes, and make typing fun and fulfilling.

Common mistakes kids make when they type

Some mistakes kids often make when they type are:

Using only one or two fingers to type instead of all ten

This can slow down how fast and accurately they type and make them more likely to make mistakes. To avoid this mistake, kids should learn the “home row position,” in which each finger has its own space on the computer.

Not looking at the screen but at the keyboard

This can also slow them down when they type and make it harder for them to catch language and grammar mistakes. Kids should practice touch typing, which is the skill of being able to type without looking at the computer, so they don’t make this mistake.

Typing too fast and not checking for mistakes

This can lead to typos, misspelled words, wrong grammar, and other mistakes that can make their work less clear and better. Kids should review their work before turning it in or sending it to avoid making this mistake.

They didn’t take breaks or let their eyes and hands rest

Typing can be hard on their eyes and hands, mainly if they use a small computer or a tablet device. This can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, and other problems. To avoid this mistake, kids should take breaks every 15 to 20 minutes to rest their eyes and hands.

Not using tools or features on the keyboard

Shortcuts or features on the keyboard are groups of keys that work together to do things like copy, paste, undo, redo, etc. These can help kids type faster and with less effort and keep them from using the mouse or keyboard too much. Kids should learn some of the most popular computer tools or features for their gadgets or program to avoid making this mistake.

These are some of the most common typing mistakes kids make

Typing is a useful skill that can help kids connect, learn, and work more quickly and effectively. Typing can be hard and stressful for some kids, especially if they have trouble understanding or a disability that makes it hard for them to type. That’s why they must learn to type correctly and keep practicing.

Online groups or boards for typing apps for kids

Yes, there are some internet groups or places where kids can talk about how typing apps work for them. Here are some of them:

TypingClub Forum:

This is a place for people who use TypingClub, a famous typing app with complimentary classes, tests, and games for people of all ages and skill levels. You can join the group to talk with other TypingClub users and staff, ask questions, share tips, give comments, and more.

Typing.com Community:

This is a group for people who use Typing.com, which is another famous typing app that gives students and teachers free typing lessons, games, and tests. You can join the group and share your thoughts, questions, ideas, and stories about typing and Typing.com.


Kidzworld is a safe and supervised internet community for kids and teens ages 9 to 16. This is a place where you can make friends, play games, read articles, watch movies, and join groups about typing and education. You can also make a biography, a blog, and a chat room for yourself.

Kids can learn touch typing in a fun way

Touch typing is typing with all ten fingers in the right places without looking at the computer. Touch typing can help kids order faster, more accurately, fluently, and with better skills. It can also help them improve their writing, language, vocabulary, and penmanship. Touch typing is a valuable skill that can help kids connect, learn, and work more quickly and effectively.

Kids can practice touch typing in many fun ways, such as:

Playing games with typing

Typing games are a great way to practice touch typing while having fun and racing with yourself or other people. Typing games can help kids improve their speed, accuracy, fluidity, and skill by giving them different jobs, situations, and levels of challenge. Here are some types of typing games:

Changing the way your working area looks

Personalizing your working surroundings to fit your tastes and wants can make typing more fun and relaxing. You can make your working space your own by:

  • Picking a keyboard with the right size, shape, and style for your hands. You can add color and style to your keyboard with a keyboard cover or stickers.
  • Changing the brightness, contrast, word size, and color of your screen to make it easier on your eyes and make it easier to read.
  • Listening to music or sounds that help you calm down and pay attention. You can also block out noises and distractions with headphones or earbuds.
  • Put things on your desk or office that make you happy or give you ideas. You can also support your balance and avoid back pain with a comfy chair, cushion, or pillow.

Goals and awards need to be set

Setting goals and prizes for yourself can help you be more motivated to type and enjoy it more. Setting goals can help you keep track of your growth and see how much you’ve grown. Rewarding yourself can help you feel good about what you’ve done well and keep doing it. Goals and awards can be set by:

  • Using a timer or clock to see how long or fast you can type.
  • Count how many words or characters you can type with a word counter or character counter.
  • Keeping track of your results on a report or chart so you can compare them to those from the past.
  • Showing that you’ve finished a lesson, test, or game with an award or badge.
  • Using a credit or point system to get prizes or bonuses in exchange for your points.




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